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Part of Ky's Legacy

Besides how beautiful he was, we "know" he was strong, very active, likely would have been quite athletic and hard to keep up with. I would’ve loved to watch those little legs trot around the house (poor Patti trying to chase him around, so stiff). He taught us how to be married and pregnant- like when I was throwing up and Shay went over to hang out with the neighbors, or when I got so hot I had 6 pillows in bed and Tums in hand and no clothes or covers on and fan pointed straight at me with house on 66 deg. I got to teach my baby how to swim and what waves feel like while on our Babymoon in Englewood. I got to show baby Ky who Bubby is (his first brother). He taught me it’s not scary to feel baby kicks and that being pregnant can wear a girl out at the end. He gave me strength to keep working and be laid back while he swam around. He let me see what Shay would look like as a Dad and to see his heart. We learned what foods he likes in the first trimester (bread, cereal, bagels, crackers, chips, sour patch kids, and mac n cheese, lemonade), and what he doesn’t like (anything green or raw, and he doesn’t have a sweet tooth!).  We learned that Shay actually would force him to be a lefty, to wear small yellow gloves on cleaning day, and to cheer on Memphis Tigers in a Penny Hardaway jersey. Ky went to the North Carolina (cabin twice), New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Florida, Kentucky (B&B), Indiana (winery), Georgia (thanksgiving), D.C. (slept in airport) and all over the state of Tennessee to hike with friends.

God's Mercies on Our Worst Day

Slept 10 hours the first night home, and was able to go home the same day.

Labor was only 3 hours. Epidural and delivery were fine.

I didn’t tear, didn’t need a catheter.

Baby Ky didn’t suffer outside the womb.

As far as we know, he was physically perfect.

He had been gone several days, so we didn’t just barely miss him by a few minutes.

Before I handed him back to the nurse, I lifted his head and blood ran out of his nose. This reminded me that this was purely his body, his soul is being cradled by God, and that possibly made it easier to hand him back.

Dr. Martin was the one on call.

Rainbow in the sky as we drove home.

Dr. Martin’s connection to Covenant and ability to help us find support there, prayed over us.

Page was able to come at the drop of a hat.

His skin was as intact as it was.

That Shay was provided words by God to say exactly what I needed the entire day.

That we were easily able to distinguish which body parts looked like us.

A ridiculous amount of support from family and outside family.

I now have extra saved days from work, I never got very worried about the daycare situation.

Had a hard time picturing him the entire pregnancy

Our whole family was present

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